Theatre (THR)
THR 113 Introduction to Theatre Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
Course Description: The contributions made by directors, actors, designers, technicians, and playwrights to modern dramatic productions. Participation in a production as performer, member of stage or construction crew, or members of production committee may be required.
CORE 42: MOTR THEA 100A; Theatre Appreciation (attribute MO60)

THR 126 Stage Movement Workshop Credits: 2
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Fundamentals of stage movement for performers and directors. Includes a basic overview of various body alignment techniques (i.e., Alexander Technique), character creation through movement using masks and clown work. Prerequisite(s): THR 113.
CORE 42: MOTR PERF 100SM; Stage Movement (attribute MO57)

THR 221 Technical Production 1 Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Fall.
Course Description: Designed to acquaint the student with the fundamentals of scenic construction and mechanics of stage lighting, the course will include studies in drafting, technical planning, basic shop tools, and techniques, construction of scenery and stage electrical equipment and practices.
CORE 42: MOTR PERF 104S; Stagecraft (attribute MO57)

THR 224 Voice and Diction Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Theories and techniques of using and improving the actor's instrument, the voice. Including articulation, resonance, working knowledge of dialects and a mastery of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Prerequisite(s): THR 113.
CORE 42: MOTR PERF 100VD; Stage Combat, Musical Thr Techniques, Voice Diction (attribute MO57)

THR 228 Acting I Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Fall.
Course Description: Basic principles of acting theory. Studio work emphasizing warm-up techniques, improvisations, monologue and scene work. Two hours lecture, two hours lab.
CORE 42: MOTR PERF 100; Acting I (attribute MO57)

THR 275 Script Analysis Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Fall (even-numbered years).
Course Description: A critical study of script formats: mastery of character and scene development used in works of dramatic literature and the practical application of this research to create a more dynamic and interesting character on stage. Prerequisite(s): THR 113 and ENG 104.
CORE 42: MOTR PERF 103SA; Script Analysis (attribute MO57)

THR 337 Theatre for Children and Youth Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Fall.
Course Description: This course will study the various techniques used in the developing and performing of children and youth theatre. Course work will include improvisational and participatory approaches for young people and the development of scripts and story lines for young people culminating in a presentational, touring package for the St. Joseph School System.