Legal Assistant (LAT)

This is a draft edition of the 2024-2025 catalog. Information contained within is subject to change.

LAT 101  Introduction to Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Examines: the American legal system; the nature and functions of civil law; the function and structure of the state and federal court system and administrative agencies. The course also presents an overview of the trial of a civil lawsuit and a survey of the major areas of civil law.

LAT 115  Paralegal Studies     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Examines the role of the legal assistant in the practice of law. The course will identify paralegal functions, types of employment for paralegals, the structure of a law office and law office systems. The course will examine issues regarding paralegal education, licensing of paralegals, paralegal professional ethics, and the unauthorized practice of law. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent enrollment in LAT 101.

LAT 220  Legal Research     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Students examine the components of a law library. Through research projects and assignments, students gain experience working with law legal reference material including statutes, cases, regulations and annotated summaries of law. Methods of legal writing and citation style are introduced. Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent enrollment in LAT 101.

LAT 225  Litigation     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Spring.

Course Description: Examines the procedures involved in a lawsuit. Subjects covered include: civil court procedures, types of lawsuits, pleadings, pretrial preparation, trial and post-trial procedures. The course will emphasize the role of the various people involved in this process. Prerequisite(s): LAT 220.

LAT 230  Real Property     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Spring.

Course Description: Presents the major legal concepts associated with the law of real property and real estate transactions. Emphasis on the historical common law concepts of property; present statutory structure; and common practices in the conveyance and ownership of real estate.

LAT 250  Legal Computer Applications     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Examination of legal applications of computer technology. Students will examine the use of electronic resources to access, acquire, crate and provide information electronically. The course will use commercial and non-commercial sources of information, software, governmental/public domain material (statues, regulations, cases). Students will learn to use personal computers for communication and to explore the Internet, Westlaw, and other electronic sources. Prerequisite(s): Prior computer knowledge or course work is recommended for students, including word processing techniques, the Internet, and e-mail.

LAT 310  Legal Drafting     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Technical skill course where students will learn the fundamentals of drafting legal documents in areas of Property, Torts, Business Organizations, Domestic Relations, and Contracts. Prerequisite(s): LAT 225.

LAT 316  Philosophy of Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: This course will survey several of the central schools of thought in the philosophy of Anglo-American jurisprudence. To do this, we will consider five major questions: What is law? What, if any, connection is there between law and ethics? When should law be used to restrict the liberty of individuals? To what extent should democratic states permit civil disobedience? What justifies inflicting punishment on those who violate the law? Same as PHL 316. Prerequisite(s): Any previous philosophy course.

LAT 320  Tort Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Studies the law in the areas of personal injury, malpractice and products liability law. Emphasis on the origin of these actions, the present state of the law, and the future in "Tort Reform" and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Prerequisite(s): LAT 101.

LAT 335  Interpersonal Conflict Resolut     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: In-depth examination of the mediation process. Students will learn methods to promote settlement in disputes. Same as PAX 335.

LAT 340  Study Away in CJLS     Credits: 1-3

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: This course focuses on one or more criminal justice and legal studies issues and the institutions responsible for the creation and execution of the law (i.e., the judicial branch, the legislative branch and/or the executive branch of this or another country). Content of the course varies, but includes an applied learning experience involving travel to another part of the United States or another country. May be repeated for up to 12 hours of credit. Prerequisite(s): Completion of 45 college credit hours or instructor's permission.

LAT 360  Probate Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Studies the origins and the present legal framework for the law of inheritance, guardianship/conservatorship, and trusts. Includes general principles of law, terminology, and theoretical basis of Probate. Prerequisite(s): LAT 101.

LAT 365  Sel Topics in Peace &Conflict     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: Specialized course work in interpersonal and/or international conflict studies. May be repeated as content varies for a maximum of 9 credits.

LAT 370  Domestic Relations     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Studies the law and court procedures concerning family relations. Emphasis will be on marriage and its validity, divorce, legal separation, child custody and visitation, child support and maintenance, guardianship, paternity, adoption and the Family Court. Students will research and write about issues concerning family law. Prerequisite(s): LAT 101.

LAT 400  Advanced Legal Research     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Students will integrate the use of the law library and computer legal research tools to develop advanced legal research and writing skills. Legal research and writing exercises will be used to prepare students to perform these more advanced tasks in a law office environment or in post-graduate work. Methods of legal writing and citation will be addressed as well. Prerequisite(s): LAT 220 and LAT 250 or permission of course instructor.

LAT 420  Civil Rights Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Substantive law course examining actions brought by individuals who claim that their rights, under the United States Constitution, have been violated. Course will cover 42 U.S.C. Section 1983, Writ of Habeas Corpus, and actions brought directly under the United States Constitution. Prerequisite(s): LAT 101 or permission of course instructor.

LAT 430  Conflict Management     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Spring.

Course Description: Examines non-litigation forms of resolving legal disputes. Emphasis will be placed on Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration. Same as PAX 430.

LAT 492  Selected Legal Topics     Credits: 1-3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Provides students with the opportunity to examine specialized or advanced topics of law. Topics will be offered on a rotating basis. These topics will usually be an in-depth examination of a subject introduced in other LAT courses. This course is repeatable for credit.