General Business (GBA)

GBA 110  Introduction to Business     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: A general survey of business organizations and their activities including accounting, economics, finance, management, and marketing. Content delivery format is designed to introduce students to the basic study skills, writing requirements, testing methods, and information sources most relevant to a business education. RESTRICTION: Course admission will be limited to students with fewer than 24 hours of college credit including those in progress.

GBA 201  Business Analytics and Reporting     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Applications of productivity software with focus on Microsoft Excel proficiency and big data business issues/problems. Students will use Excel to analyze business data and make recommendations based on their analyses. Reports will be developed for written and oral presentations. Students will be required to take the Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Associate skills test as part of the course. Previous computer experience recommended.

GBA 210  Business Statistics I     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Basic course for students in business; data collection and tabulation, graphic representation, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, types of distributions, sampling estimation, hypothesis testing, simple linear regression and correlation. Concentration is on interpretation. Course includes microcomputer application. Prerequisite(s): General Studies Math. Business majors must earn a grade of C or higher in MAT 110, MAT 110E, MAT 111, MAT 111E, MAT 112, MAT 116, MAT 147, or MAT 167.

GBA 211  Business Law I     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Introduction to the legal environment of business. Examines the constitutional and historical foundations of the American legal system; emphasizes contracts, personal property, bailments, and sales. Prerequisite(s): ENG 104.

GBA 220  Business Communications     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: Designed to meet the needs of business for better written and oral communications. Covers principles of research, organization, and presentation of written memoranda, letters, and reports. Oral presentations help develop necessary skills required in a business environment. Prerequisite(s): COM 104 and either ENG 108 or ENG 112.

GBA 283  Introduction to Research Methods in Business     Credits: 1-2

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: Introduction to basic research in business. Individual and team projects involving methods for solving business-related research problems. Prerequisite(s): School of Business approval.

GBA 310  Business Statistics II     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: A brief review of Business Statistics I followed by theoretical analysis and business applications of the basic multiple regression model, advanced topics in regression analysis, analysis of variance, and selected topics in non-parametric statistics. Prerequisite(s): GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E, and junior standing.

GBA 311  Business Law II     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: A continuation of GBA 211 with emphasis on negotiable instruments and security devices under the Uniform Commercial Code; discusses partnerships, corporations, and other related areas. Prerequisite(s): GBA 211 and junior standing.

GBA 370  Global Viewpoint     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Spring (odd-numbered years).

Course Description: The study of national and international business topics as well as the history and performance of selected companies. This is done in preparation for travel to cities in the U.S. and abroad. Students attend seminars presented by company officials. Locations, companies and topics vary by trip. May be repeated once to a different geographic location. Students who enroll in GBA 370 must also enroll in GBA 371 for the following summer semester. Applied learning credit is only given to those who successfully complete both courses. Prerequisite(s): Business Foundation Core and junior standing.

GBA 371  Business Study/Travel Experience     Credits: 1

Typically Offered: Summer (odd-numbered years).

Course Description: A continuation of GBA 370. Travel to distant locations to attend seminars presented by company and/or governmental officials from the host location on topics of business issues and practices. Students who enroll in GBA 371 must have taken GBA 370 in the previous spring semester. Applied learning credit is only given to those who successfully complete both courses. Prerequisite(s): GBA 370 and School of Business approval.

GBA 375  Business Internship     Credits: 1-6

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Course Description: An academic program which offers business majors an opportunity to integrate theory with actual business practice. Students work full-time or part-time for a company in a position related to their major. Anticipated learning objectives are established in a contract agreed to by the student, the on-site supervisor, and the school internship coordinator. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits. This course is one of the options that satisfies the applied learning requirement. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School of Business, junior standing, an overall GPA of 2.8, and completion of ACC 202, ECO 260, ECO 261, GBA 201, GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E, and GBA 211.

GBA 395  Career Development Seminar     Credits: 1

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Course designed to assist business majors with preparation for beginning their professional careers. Selected topics include resume preparation, professional letters, networking strategies, interview strategies, company research for the job search and etiquette. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.

GBA 445  Business Practicum     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: The application of business concepts and theories to the problems of regional businesses. Faculty supervision of student problem-solving teams. Repeatable once for credit. This course is one of the options that satisfies the applied learning requirement. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and admission to the School of Business.

GBA 447  Employment Law     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Examination of employment and labor laws including ADA, EEOA, Gender, Age, Race, National Origin, Worker's Compensation, Affirmative Action, Wage-Hour Law, and Privacy Legislation. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and admission to the School of Business.

GBA 480  Directed Student Research     Credits: 1-5

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Course Description: Research on selected topics or problems on a conference basis. This course is one of the options that satisfies the applied learning requirement. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, admission to the School of Business, and School of Business approval.

GBA 481  Workplace Research     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Course Description: Research conducted at the student's workplace under the joint direction of a faculty member and a supervisor/superior. This course is one of the options that satisfies the applied learning requirement. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, admission to the School of Business, and School of Business approval.