Religion (REL)
REL 150 Religions of the World Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Survey of major and minor religions around the world with relevant historical and cultural elements.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 100; World Religion (attribute MO59)

REL 250 Religions of East Asia and Oceania Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Survey of major and minor religions with relevant historical and cultural elements, focusing primarily on religious traditions with origins in East Asia and Oceania.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 100; World Religion (attribute MO59)

REL 251 Religions of the West Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Survey of major and minor religions with relevant historical and cultural elements, focusing primarily on religious traditions with origins in West Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 100; World Religion (attribute MO59)

REL 252 Religions of South Asia and Africa Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Survey of major and minor religions with relevant historical and cultural elements, focusing primarily on religious traditions with origins in South Asia and Africa.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 100; World Religion (attribute MO59)

REL 260 Introduction to Biblical Studies Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Introduction to the method and content of Biblical scholarship, covering the Jewish (Hebrew) Bible and the Christian (Greek) New Testament, with some discussion of relevant apocryphal and non-canonical texts.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 100; World Religion (attribute MO59)

REL 263 Religion of the Hebrew Bible Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion .
Course Description: Introduction to the major elements of the Hebrew Bible from the perspective of contemporary biblical scholarship.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 101O; Religious Texts, New Testament, Old Testament (attribute MO59)

REL 265 Religion of the New Testament Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: Introduction to major elements of the New Testament from the perspective of contemporary New Testament scholarship.
CORE 42: MOTR RELG 101N; Religious Texts, New Testament, Old Testament (attribute MO59)

REL 325 World of Islam: People, Cultures and Societies Credits: 3
Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.
Course Description: An introduction to the fundamentals of Islam, and a survey of cultures, traditions, social life, and history of Islamic societies. The course provides an interpretation of current events in the world of Islam. Special topics of interest would include the origin and history of Islam; religious life (belief and practices, and observance); Islamic cultures; Islamic arts, literature, and architecture; economic applications of Islam; Islamic laws and theology; marriage and Muslim families; women's rights and position in Muslim families and society; political Islam (Islamic groups: modern and militant Islamic movements, the question of leadership); and, Islam and the West. The course is, however, open to the type of interests that students show in the subject matter. Same as SOC 325.