Marketing (MKT)

This is a draft edition of the 2024-2025 catalog. Information contained within is subject to change.

MKT 301  Principles of Marketing     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Basic course defining marketing and its place within societies. Introduces the marketing concept, the marketing mix, and the marketing components of product, promotion, place, and price. Prerequisite(s): General Studies Mathematical Sciences, Written & Oral Communication Knowledge areas, and junior standing.

MKT 311  Consumer Behavior     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Considers the consumer's decision process as well as the effects of both internal and external factors upon consumer purchasing behavior. The course emphasizes the application of consumer behavior theory to the development of viable marketing strategies. Completion of General Psychology is recommended prior to taking Consumer Behavior. Prerequisite(s): MKT 301 and PSY 101.

MKT 351  Professional Selling and Sales Management     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: An approach to professional selling that emphasizes the partnering aspects of relationship marketing. Includes the strategic planning of sales within a larger account strategy and managing a long-lasting relationship with the customer. The course includes aspects of sales management such as sales force motivation, monitoring and control, target setting, and selling in both consumer and business to business environments. Prerequisite(s): MKT 301 and PSY 101.

MKT 370  Digital Marketing     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: This course will introduce students to the topics and skills required to succeed in digital marketing of a firm. The course will be taught in an applied setting. Students will be introduced to digital marketing software as well as tactics used to make digital marketing successful. Prerequisite(s): MKT 301.

MKT 381  Advertising and Promotion     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: The promotion mix: advertising, publicity, sales promotion, and personal selling. Analyzes the management and application of promotional strategies. Prerequisite(s): MKT 301 and PSY 101.

MKT 401  Marketing Research     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Application of scientific research techniques and statistical analyses of information (data) relative to sound marketing management decision-making. Prerequisite(s): GBA 201, GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E, MKT 311 or concurrent enrollment, and admission to the School of Business.

MKT 431  Retail Management     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Departmental Discretion.

Course Description: A strategic approach to retailing which concentrates on planning, implementing, and controlling such retail variables as location, personnel, merchandise, communication, price, and the strategic methods of accomplishing specific objectives. Prerequisite(s): ACC 201, ECO 260 or ECO 261, GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E, GBA 211, MKT 301, and admission to the School of Business.

MKT 451  International Marketing and Trade     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Applies marketing mix variables to the multinational market. Considers differences in cultural, legal, language, and other environmental factors. The course also familiarizes students with commercial practices in international trade. These include different methods of payment, exchange risk coverage, customs practices, and the use of foreign trade zones. Organizational strategies to enter foreign markets such as joint ventures, foreign subsidiaries, franchising and international tendering through joint bids are also covered. Prerequisite(s): ACC 201, ECO 260 or ECO 261, GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E, GBA 211, MKT 301, and admission to the School of Business.

MKT 481  Marketing Management     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Students integrate all elements of the marketing program to make decisions in actual business situations. The objectives of this course are for students to develop an ability to employ strategic analysis tools and refine problem-solving and decision-making skills. Prerequisite(s): MKT 381, MKT 401 or concurrent enrollment.