Allied Health (ALH)

This is a draft edition of the 2024-2025 catalog. Information contained within is subject to change.

ALH 106  Medical Terminology     Credits: 2

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Course Description: Medical terms with reference to human anatomy and disease processes for the paramedical professions.

ALH 139  Skills for Success in Healthcare     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Summer.

Course Description: Topics to be covered: How to move up the career ladder, life management skills (establishing and achieving goals, time and stress management), communication in the workplace (oral and written communication), principles of patient satisfaction and safety, and reading in the workplace.

ALH 320  Community and Public Health     Credits:

Typically Offered: Spring.

Course Description: This course examines the issues and problems that exist within the political, social, cultural and economic dimensions of community health. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or higher in BIO 101 or BIO 105.

ALH 330  Introduction to Epidemiology and Biostatistics     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Focuses on knowledge and concepts as applied to study of population health outcomes. Development of basic understanding of the principles of epidemiology and biostatistics as well as the critical thinking skills to assist in the evaluation of research and assessing the health of a population. Quantitative and methodological analysis and their implications for evidence based medicine, healthcare policy, resource utilization and health systems management are explored. Prerequisite(s): PSY 300 or GBA 210 or MAT 111 or MAT 111E.

ALH 350  Introduction to Population Health     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Introduction to Population Health Management addresses how to identify, build and support a culture of wellness. The course focuses on the study of health status indicators as influenced by social, economic and physical environments, personal health practices, individual capacity and resiliency, human biology, early childhood development, and health services. Basic principles of risk, quality, health care economics and evidence-based practice are also explored and applied to the study of population health outcomes. Must be taken concurrently with ALH 351 Applied Population Health Management Lab. Prerequisite(s): ALH 106 and BIO 250.

ALH 351  Applied Population Health Management Lab     Credits: 1

Typically Offered: Fall.

Course Description: Focuses on practical application of Population Health tools within the electronic health record (EHR). Application of a population health model including population identification, risk stratification, patient engagement, and outcomes evaluation. Fundamental concepts will be demonstrated through use of tools specific to analytics, registry, and referral as they relate to the population health specialist role. 2 hours of laboratory per week. Must be taken concurrently with ALH 350 Introduction to Population Health Management. Prerequisite(s): ALH 106 and BIO 250.

ALH 352  Applied Nutrition     Credits: 2

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: Principles of normal nutrition through the life cycle and the role of nutrition in health are considered. Nutrition therapy and its role in the prevention and management of disease are also examined. Prerequisite(s): BIO 250.

ALH 365  Special Needs of the Elderly     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall (odd-numbered years).

Course Description: An overview of the special needs of the elderly population. Includes present concerns as well as identifying methods of improving life for the elderly in the future.

ALH 402  Population Health Internship     Credits: 3

Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.

Course Description: An academic program which offers students an opportunity to integrate theories of population health with actual practice. Students spend a minimum of 135 hours in a position in a health care or other approved setting focusing on population health. Anticipated learning objectives are established in a contract agreed to by the student, the on-site supervisor and the course professor. Requires periodic progress reports, supervisor evaluation, and a formal written paper. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): Declared health population major, senior standing, completion of major core courses, a minimum of 2.5 GPA in a major field and consent of instructor.