General Degree Requirements

This is a draft edition of the 2024-2025 catalog. Information contained within is subject to change.

Program of Study

A graduate student's program is placed on their student record at the time of admission. The associated program curriculum is available in the Graduate Catalog (year of matriculation to the Graduate School) and in GPS (Graduate Planning System), found in Goldlink. The curriculum for a master's degree is valid for six years; the curriculum for a graduate certificate is valid for three years. 

In the process of earning a degree, students must complete requirements for that degree and any related state certification requirements. If certification or statutory requirements change and additional requirements become effective during the time a student is enrolled in a program, the new certification requirements take precedence over previously existing degree or certification standards.

All degree programs require a capstone experience such as a thesis or project, internship, portfolio, comprehensive exam or external certification.

Changing a Program of Study

Students may request a change to their program in the following categories:

  1. Change from graduate certificate program to a master’s degree
  2. Change from a master's degree to a graduate certificate program
  3. Declare a second graduate program of study (certificate or master’s degree)
  4. Change program of study from one degree program to another
  5. Change from non-degree seeking to degree seeking

The student must meet all of the regular Graduate School admissions criterion as well as requirements for acceptance to the specified graduate program. Program specific requirements are provided in the graduate program section of the Graduate Catalog or on the Graduate School web site:

A student with a declared graduate certificate which has a related master’s degree program may request acceptance into that program. However, a student may not have both a certificate and master's degree in the same area simultaneously. Upon acceptance into the master's degree program the certificate program will be dropped.

A student with an awarded Missouri Western graduate certificate which has an associated master’s degree program may request acceptance into the master's program and earn that degree.

A student with a declared or awarded Missouri Western master’s degree which has an associated certificate program may not simultaneously declare or earn that certificate. A student who is unable to complete a master's degree that has an associated certificate program may drop the master's program and declare the associated certificate.

A student with a declared or awarded Missouri Western master’s level degree may request acceptance into a graduate certificate program which is not associated with the master’s program.

Students seeking a second concentration within any graduate program, such as within the MSN or MBA, must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of unique course work for each of the two areas.

Students should work with the appropriate program director if wanting to change programs or add an additional program.

General Requirements for Graduate Degree Programs

A student must1:

  • Satisfactorily complete all required coursework in the program;
  • Earn a minimum of 30 credit hours;
  • Earn an overall GPA of at least 3.0 with no more than 6 credit hours of C;
  • Satisfactorily complete the required capstone experience.

Some graduate degree programs may require more than 30 credit hours.

General Requirements for a Graduate Certificate

A student must:

  • Satisfactorily complete all required coursework in the certificate;
  • Earn a minimum of 15 credit hours;
  • Earn an overall GPA of at least 3.0 with no more than 6 credit hours of C.

Multiple Certificates or Master’s Level Degrees

A student seeking an additional certificate or master’s level degree, or requesting to change to a new certificate or degree, must meet the admission criteria for the new program and receive approval from the graduate program director and Dean of the Graduate School.

A student seeking an additional certificate or master’s level degree will be required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in approved, unique coursework. The student must meet all of the admissions requirements and receive approval from the graduate program director and Dean of the Graduate School.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

A maximum of six graduate credits taken at Missouri Western while at non-degree seeking status may be counted toward a graduate degree, unless a student is a Missouri Western undergraduate student approved to take graduate level courses. See policy for Undergraduate Students Allowed to Enroll in a Graduate Course.

Satisfaction of MAS Professional Core with MBA Degree

Students who have completed an MBA from a regionally accredited college or university prior to matriculation to the Graduate School may make a request of the graduate program director and Graduate Dean that their completed MBA count for the entire MAS professional core, with the exception of MAS 695 Graduate Colloquium. This request must be made and approved prior to completion of the student's first semester at Missouri Western.

Graduation and Commencement

Application for Graduation

To be considered as a candidate for graduation, the student must declare candidacy by submitting an Application for Graduation to the Registrar's Office. Information and an application is available at A graduation fee will be posted to the student account; applications are subject to late fees if submitted after the fifth day of the Fall/Spring semester and second day of the Summer term the student intends to graduate. To assure the candidates’ records are reviewed by the Registrar's Office prior to the final semester the following deadlines must be observed:

Fall graduation July 1
Spring graduation November 1
Summer graduation March 1

Students must submit documentation showing that all requirements have been met (i.e. submission of transcripts with transfer work completed, exit exams, makeup of incomplete grades) within 60 days of the end of the semester in which they plan to graduate. Students who do not meet this deadline must file a new Application for Graduation along with the required documentation.

Commencement and Hooding

Commencement is held in December and May. Participation in these events is voluntary on the part of the student.

Students who complete all degree requirements in the Fall will be eligible to attend the December commencement ceremony. Students who complete all degree requirements in the Spring or Summer will be eligible to attend the May commencement. Graduate students are hooded curing the commencement ceremony. Commencement attendance information is required on the Application for Graduation form found in the Registrar's Office or at

Undergraduate Students Allowed to Enroll in a Graduate Course

Completing graduate course work as an undergraduate student allows completion of a master’s degree 1-2 semesters earlier than is typical. 

Missouri Western undergraduate students who have earned at least 90 credit hours are eligible to take up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate course work. The undergraduate student must adhere to the following:

  • meet all of the requirements for a degree-seeking graduate student (except completion of the undergraduate degree);
  • have a minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0;
  • meet with their undergraduate advisor to complete a “Permission for an Undergraduate to Enroll in a Graduate Course” form and receive approval from the graduate program director who has oversight for the courses and the Graduate Dean;
  • coordinate registration through the Registrar’s Office.
  • Note: An individual graduate program may have additional requirements for undergraduate students taking a graduate course.
  • Note: Graduate course work taken as an undergraduate student will appear on both the undergraduate and graduate transcript. Upon completion of the undergraduate degree and admission into the Missouri Western Graduate School, the graduate courses already taken and successfully passed will count towards graduate level course requirements.
  • Note: Graduate course work will be used in the undergraduate academic standing calculation and count toward undergraduate semester honors.

Graduate coursework will be billed at the regular graduate tuition rate. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the Financial Aid Office about how enrollment in graduate course work will impact financial aid eligibility.