Enrollment & Registration

This is a draft edition of the 2024-2025 catalog. Information contained within is subject to change.

Academic Advisement

Academic advisement of students is an integral part of academics at Missouri Western. All degree-seeking graduate students are assigned an advisor who help provide information regarding degree requirements, semester class selection, and career direction. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor on a regular basis to help develop the type of meaningful advisor-student relationship that Missouri Western prizes as one of the hallmarks of the institution.

Degree-seeking graduate students who are required to take prerequisite coursework (undergraduate courses or graduate courses not listed in the program) must follow the university admissions criteria to be enrolled in such coursework during their first semester at Missouri Western.  Further, the student will be expected to complete those same courses continuously during subsequent semesters.

Alternate PIN

A 4-digit Alternate Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required for students on academic probation and will be distributed by the student's advisor. The PIN is required for online registration.

Credit Units

The unit of credit is the semester hour, which represents a period of weekly study for a semester. 

Credit/Contact Hours

Missouri Western State University records course credits in semester hours. Credit hours are assigned as follows:

  • Traditional face-to-face courses: one student credit hour for each hour a course meets per week for the 15-week semester.
  • Laboratory, studio, clinicals, and practicum or internship courses: one student credit hour for each two or three hours a course meets per week for the 15-week semester, dependent on the type of course.
  • Online courses: credit hours will be assigned in the same manner as face-to-face courses.
  • Off schedule and short term courses: credit hours are assigned in the same manner as 15-week courses except on a pro-rated basis.
  • Apprenticeship and other courses may have higher contact hours per credit hour as determined by state and/or federal guidelines.

Course Information

Numbering System

Graduate courses will have a designated 500 or 600 level number.

A 500-level designation will be used for graduate courses which allow for the possibility of having a cross-listed 400 level equivalent undergraduate course. All 500 level graduate courses will have additional academic components required beyond the 400 level cross-listed course as described in the course syllabus.

The 600 level designation is used for graduate-only courses.

Whether or not the course description lists admission to the Graduate School as a prerequisite, all graduate level courses (500+) may only be taken by students admitted to the MWSU Graduate School or are MWSU undergraduate students permitted to take graduate classes.

Departments may offer special topics courses without prior approval of the Graduate Council in order to experiment with innovative methods, content or to take advantage of visiting faculty. Course numbers 596-599 and 696-699 are reserved for assignment to special topics courses. These offerings require approval by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Description of Course

All courses and detailed descriptions are listed within the offering academic department. Before the opening of each term, a class schedule is available on-line at griff.vn/schedule which lists the specific courses to be offered that term with the mode of delivery, time of meeting, the building, and the room number. The University reserves the right to cancel, without notice, any course listed in the catalog or in the class schedule for any term.

Semester Designation

Each course indicates the semester(s) in which it is normally offered; however, course availability is subject to staffing changes and student enrollment.

Registration and Change of Class Schedule

Refer to the on-line class schedule at griff.vn/schedule for detailed information on registration.

Currently enrolled students are encouraged to register early for classes. Students will be sent communications about registration to their Missouri Western email account. A 4-digit Alternate Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required for students on academic probation and will be distributed by the student’s advisor. The PIN is required for online registration.

New and returning students will be notified by the University of dates for initial registration.

Registration information can be found on the Registrar's Office website.

Students may at any time prior to the first day of the term, drop any or all classes without penalty. Refund schedules are located here. Students may also add or drop classes after the first day of the term according to the registration schedule. Registered students who are on academic probation are encouraged to visit their academic advisor when considering dropping or adding a class or classes.

Auditing a Class

Graduate level courses may not be audited.

Course Load

Graduate students admitted as degree seeking or who have provisional admission are required to take a minimum of one graduate course per academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer). International students are required to be enrolled as full-time students during Fall and Spring semesters. 

Graduate students are allowed to take a maximum of 12 credits per fall or spring semester. To enroll in more than 12 credits in one semester the student must submit a Request for Overload form, with approval of the academic advisor and graduate program director, to the Graduate Dean for final decision.  A student must similarly file a request to enroll in more than 6 credit hours for a summer term.

Enrollment status 

Fall and Spring semesters:

  • 8 or more credit hours = full-time student
  • 5-7 credit hours = half-time time student
  • Less than 5 credit hours = less than half-time student

Summer term:

  • 5 or more credit hours = full-time student
  • 3-4 credit hours = half-time time student
  • Less than 3 credit hours = less than half-time student

Repeating Courses

Students are permitted to repeat any course. When a course is repeated, the original grade remains on the transcript but is excluded (E) from the GPA calculation and the most recent grade is included (I) in the GPA. Topics and related format courses which change in content on a semester-to-semester basis do not apply in this regard.

Final Exam Policy

The final exam schedule will be published by the Registrar’s Office prior to each semester and the designated period will be used either for administration of a final exam or for other appropriate course terminating activities. All courses, including 1 and 2 credit hour courses, will have final exams in their regular classrooms during final exam week according to the published schedule. It is the responsibility of both students and faculty to comply with the final exam policy. Final exam guidelines are listed below:

  • Final exam periods are 2 hours with 30 minutes between periods.
  • Final exam information will be documented in the course syllabus.
  • Classes with linked lecture and laboratory sections will observe the final exam period based on the section that carries the credit hours.
  • Classes which meet at 5:00 pm or after will hold final exams at their regular class time during the final exam week. Those evening classes with two meetings per week will use the first meeting for the final exam with the second meeting used at the discretion of the instructor.
  • Hybrid classes which have weekly meeting times will hold final exams in their regular classrooms according to the published schedule.
  • 100% online classes will hold final exams during the final exam week according to the course syllabus.
  • Saturday classes will hold final exams during finals week according to the syllabus.
  • Off-Schedule classes will hold final exams on the last scheduled class meeting.
  • Any student who has three or more final exams scheduled on the same day may make arrangements with instructors of those courses to reschedule one final exam to another day during the final exam week. The student may appeal to the appropriate dean for assistance, if needed. That appeal should be made no later than one month prior to the last day of the final exam week.
  • Friday of finals week can be used for canceled, rescheduled or make-up final exams, as needed by student and instructor, as approved by the academic department.
  • If a final exam is canceled for inclement weather every effort will be made to make the exam up prior to the end of the published final exam week. Communication regarding any final exam schedule adjustments will be made via the Missouri Western website and through the Griffon Alert system.

Withdrawal/Extended Leave of Absence from the University

Prior to the official end of the add/drop period, students may drop all classes on-line through Goldlink or by notifying the Registrar's Office, Eder Hall 102, in writing (include name, student I.D. number, last date of attendance, signature and contact information). The effective date of withdrawal will be the date on which the written notification is received by the Registrar's Office. Any applicable refund of tuition and fees will also be applied to the student account as of the effective date. 

After the withdrawal deadline a student must petition the Admissions and Graduation Committee, through the Registrar's Office, to withdraw from all or individual classes. Only documented situations, beyond the control of the student will be considered. Failure to submit a formal request for a withdrawal will result in the student receiving failing grades.

Under compelling circumstances beyond the student’s control, including military obligations, a student may request a leave of absence. A Leave of Absence form may be completed online or in the Registrar’s Office and must include supporting documentation. A leave of absence can be granted for up to 3 semesters (excluding summer term). 

A documented leave is primarily a means of communication to the University and

  • may include a request for a current semester late withdrawal;
  • does not alter current semester course completion deadlines as indicated by the academic calendar;
  • does not impact outstanding financial obligations without appeal to the University Bursar; 
  • does not extend the expiration date of an officially declared program/major; and
  • is not a formal method to avoid admission or registration requirements upon the student’s return.

The University and/or academic advisor will continue to make contact with a student on extended leave during the identified absence period. Students who are ready to return to MWSU after a leave of absence should notify the Admissions Office so assistance can be provided.